RUF Events:
Danish Industry "speed dating" with major US companies
RUF during COP15 in Copenhagen
Pecha Kucha event with RUF and other inventions
RUF presentation at DONG (Danish Energy Supplyer)
RUF presentation at European Environmental Agency
Exhibition in Herning, Denmark. RUF and 6 other inventions.
RUF participates in the Google competition celebrating the 10 years anniversary of Google
Palle R Jensen met James Hansen from NASA at a climate meeting in Copemhagen March 12 2009
RUF was invited to exhibit at the conference: "Future of Transport" in Bruxelles March 9-10 2009
Dr. Subas Pani from the Indian Planning Commission in New Delhi visited RUF
RUF was presented at the recent Podcar conference in Uppsala, Sweden. See the RUF presentation here.
A new report describing what RUF can do for the climate has been added at the address:
The RUF presentation at the "Traffic Days" in Aalborg, Denmark is now on-line in English at the address:
Funding for a dualmode analysis at CEETI in Texas
Letter of support from the chairman of the traffic committee of the danish parliament
7 more articles in Danish have been added to the Danish part of RUF web.
RUF test center at Copenhagen University College of Engineering has expanded
A Contract has been signed between RUF International and SREI
Positive RUF feedback from highest level in EU
Kolkata (Calcutta) is interested in RUF
RUF used for teaching on Taiwan
RUF programs released June 2002
RUF exhibition on May 7 th. 2002
CNN coverage of RUF on March 10 2001
EPS students building maxi-ruf
Official opening of test track June 9 2000
The rail is ready April 20 2000
Distinguished guest at the RUF test site on March 24th 2000
RUF conference at Copenhagen City Hall, Sept. 2nd 1999
RUF design model at the AVG exhibition in Holland
EU event: "Visions for the Future of Transport", Nov. 29. 1996
CALMODE Letter of Endorsement, May 9. 1996
Meetings with Professor Jerry B. Schneider, University of Washington, Seattle
RUF International created, Oct. 14. 1994
Press conference in Mexico City, April 1994
First exhibition of RUF, April 1991