Download of files


rufsim.exe (520 kB)
Simulation of controlled random flow through RUF junction (see: rufsim.doc below)

ruftrain.exe (450 kB)
Simulation showing the dynamics in train creation between RUF junctions in a network.

rufcph.exe (2.8 MB)
Interactive program for calculating travel time and energy consumption for a RUF commuter in Copenhagen

rufkbh.exe (2.8 MB Danish)
Interactive program for calculating travel time and energy consumption for a RUF commuter in Copenhagen

rufcom.exe (1.8 MB)
Interactive program for analyzing rush hour flow of commuters through a RUF network in Copenhagen

rufla.exe (1.8 MB)
Interactive program for calculating travel time and energy consumption for a RUF commuter in Los Angeles


eg.ppt (5 MB)
A approx. 100 pages powerpoint presentation made by Bruce A. McHenry.
It presents convincing arguments for the implementation of e-Guideways.

dualmode.ppt (1.5 MB)
A small powerpoint presentation explaining the dualmode principles in RUF.

qa.pdf (6 MB)
Questions and Answers version 2004. 18 pages illustrated.

rufsim.doc (564 kB)
Manual which should be read before running the rufsim.exe program

ruf.doc (3.6 MB)
An article (12 pages illustrated) describing the RUF concept.

pt.doc or pt.pdf (700 kB)
A report describing RUF as a Public Transport System

rufenergy.doc (235 kB)
A report describing the energy reduction potential in RUF.

master.doc (1.6 MB)
A report (in Danish) describing the masterplan for a RUF network covering Greater Copenhagen.
This report is financed by EU in the CyberMove contract.

rufcba.doc (1 MB) and rufcba.xls (50 kB)
This Cost Benefit Analysis has been supported by the EU program for Sustainable Development.

cnn.doc (831 kB)
A transscript of the 3.5 minutes RUF program on CNN March 10 2001

ring3.doc (2 MB Danish)
A report (10 pages illustrated) describing the most promising candidate for the first RUF implementation.
Updated version Febr. 2004